”I was dismissed by letter, without notice, without a meeting, without seeing a copy of the Capital Law report or any evidence, without a right of appeal, and without proper grounds,” she said. Be the first to get Breaking News. Install the Sky News app for free. Ms Doyle, a former managing director of telecoms firm TalkTalk, also claimed she had been the victim of ”unfair treatment” by the broadcaster. ”I joined S4C because members of the board persuaded me to come out of retirement after a 30-year international career to create positive change,” she said in a statement. ”My mandate was to take S4C's extraordinary programming and the Welsh language to the world, to prepare S4C for a digital future, and to transform the organisation. Memo/Tag kodu hakkında detaylı bilgi betcu için ”Memo/Tag ve TxID Kodu Nedir ? Neden Önemlidir ?” adlı makalemizi mutlaka okumalısınız.
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